Anya Dunham

Research Scientist
Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7

Phone: 250-756-7012


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Anya Dunham works as a research scientist at the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo. Anya’s academic training was in invertebrate zoology and experimental ecology. She is interested in exploring direct and indirect functional consequences of human activities (e.g., aquaculture, introduction of aquatic invasive species, energy projects) in the marine environment and using this information to answer applied ecological questions. She is also an adjunct professor at Vancouver Island University.

Dr. Dunham has worked as Chief Scientist on a number of projects surrounding glass sponge reefs in British Columbia, including the Salish Sea. In particular, these projects have assessed reef locations, status and ecological significance

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Dunham (Epelbaum, Anya & Archer, Stephanie & Davies, S.C. & Burke, L.A. & Mossman, J & Pegg, J.R. & Archer, E. (2018). Assessing condition and ecological role of deep-water biogenic habitats: Glass sponge reefs in the Salish Sea. Marine Environmental Research. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.08.002.

Riera, Amalis; Archer, Stephanie; Halliday, William; Mouy, Xavier; Pine, Matthew; Dunham, Anya; and Juanes, Francis, “Using passive acoustics to monitor Galiano glass sponge reef” (2018). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 517.

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