Asit Mazumder

Department of Biology
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

Phone: 250-472-4789 (Office); 250-721-6150 (Lab)


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Dr. Asit Mazumder is a Profressor of Biology at the University of Victoria. His research interest is to understand and model nutrient-foodweb dynamics of freshwater and marine ecosystems, and associated patterns of water quality, fisheries productivity, fate and transport of nutrients, energy and contaminants along aquatic foodwebs, and aquatic diversity. During the last decade, his research team has been approaching these fundamental ecological concepts and theories using ecosystem-level projects in coastal and interior BC, Alaska, northern Quebec and Ontario. Some of these projects are: nutrient limitation of aquatic productivity in coastal and interior lakes, delineation of aquatic foodweb structure and sources of energy along aquatic foodwebs using stable isotope geochemistry, linkages among foodweb structure, energy transfer efficiency and Hg accumulation in plankton and fish, ecosystem level impacts of fish farm on contaminants in traditional seafoods of aboriginal people, fish farm impacts on sea lice infection of juvenile Pacific salmon, nutrient-foodweb ecology of sockeye salmon ecosystems in Alaska and BC, foodweb dynamics and trophic interactions among juvenile Pacific salmon in the Bering Sea Ecosystem, resource partitioning between brook trout and juvenile Atlantic salmon in northern Québec streams, and the impact of selective sport fishing on foodweb structure, resource allocation and Hg accumulation in lake trout of selected Ontario lakes.

One on his major research programs involves the nutrient-foodweb of juvenile salmon in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Other projects include nutrient-foodweb ecology of sockeye lake systems in BC and Alaska, and continental-scale nutrient-foodweb and resource ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon along the coastal ecosystems of Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to northern Alaska.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Hertz, Eric & Trudel, Marc & Tucker, Strahan & Beacham, Terry & Mazumder, Asit. (2017). Overwinter shifts in the feeding ecology of juvenile Chinook salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74. 226-233. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw140.

Hertz, Eric & Trudel, Marc & Brodeur, Richard & Eisner, Lisa & Farley, Edward & Moss, Jamal & Murphy, James & Harding, Jeff & Macfarlane, Robert & Mazumder, Shapna & Mazumder, Asit. (2014). Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Along the West Coast of North America. American Fisheries Society 144th Annual Meeting.

El-Sabaawi, Rana & Trudel, Marc & Mazumder, Asit. (2013). Zooplankton stable isotopes as integrators of bottom-up variability in coastal margins: A case study from the Strait of Georgia and adjacent coastal regions. Progress In Oceanography. 115. 76-89. 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.05.010.

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