Chrys Neville

Research Biologist
Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7

Phone: 250-756-7185


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Ms. Neville is a research biologist with over 20 years’ experience with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Strait of Georgia. She is Program Head for field based studies examining the early marine distribution, growth and survival of juvenile salmon spending their first marine months in the Salish Sea. Her work examines factors regulating survival including interspecies interactions between salmon and other small pelagic fish, interactions between hatchery, wild and farm salmon and effects of climate change at both a regional and basin level. She has led the field based juvenile salmon beach and purse seine and trawl studies sampling juvenile salmon in the Canadian zone of the Salish Sea Marine Survival project examining changes in condition, diet, growth and distribution over their first 6 months in the ocean.

Some Fisheries and Oceans projects Chrys has been involved with in the Strait of Georgia include:

  • Strait of Georgia Ecosystem Model
  • Migration timing of juvenile Pacific salmon in the Strait of Georgia using acoustic tags
  • Cowichan chinook salmon, purse seine survey in the Gulf Islands
  • Continued development of biophysical model linking the changing climate and ocean conditions within the Strait of Georgia to the shifting dominance of upper trophic level species
  • Pink salmon as an indicator of past and present changes in production in the Strait of Georgia

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Neville, Chrys Ellen M.; Beamish, Richard J., “New information on resident areas of ocean age 0 Chinook salmon in the Strait of Georgia” (2018). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference.133.

Beacham, Terry & Neville, Chrys & Tucker, Strahan & Trudel, Marc. (2017). Is There Evidence for Biologically Significant Size-Selective Mortality of Coho Salmon During the First Winter of Marine Residence?. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146. 395-407. 10.1080/00028487.2017.1285349.

Neville, Chrys M; Thiess, Mary E; Preikshot, Dave, Dr; Sweeting, Ruston M, Dr.; Trudel, Marc, Dr., “Variability in diet of juvenile Coho and Chinook salmon in the Strait of Georgia during their early marine residence” (2016). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference.26.

Neville, Chrys & Johnson, Stewart & Beacham, Terry & Whitehouse, Timber & Tadey, Joe & Trudel, Marc. (2016). Initial Estimates from an Integrated Study Examining the Residence Period and Migration Timing of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon from the Fraser River through Coastal Waters of British Columbia. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin. 6. 45-60. 10.23849/npafcb6/45-60.

Neville, C. M., Beamish, R. J. and Chittenden, C. M. (2015), Poor Survival of Acoustically‐Tagged Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 144: 25-33. doi:10.1080/00028487.2014.954053

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