Dave Davies

Community Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
148 Port August Street
Comox, BC
Canada V9N 7Z4

Phone: 250-339-0431

Fax: 250-339-4612

Email: Dave.Davies@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans CanadaCommunity Advisors work alongside the stewardship community, building partnerships within the community. From assisting with mini hatchery programs and policy implementation to taking an active role in watershed planning, these staff members are the key liaisons between DFO and community-based projects.

Dave Davies is the Community Advisor for North Central Vancouver Island.

Some of the groups he works with include:

  • Main enhancement facilities:
    • Biq Qualicum Hatchery (Qualicum Beach)
    • Conuma River Hatchery (Tahsis)
    • Little Qualicum River Hatchery (Qualicum Beach)
    • Puntledge River Hatchery (Courtenay)
  • Community involvement groups:
    • Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society
    • Courtenay and District Fish & Game Protective Association
    • Friends of French Creek Conservation Society
    • Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society
  • Education activity:
    • Comox Valley School District
    • Parksville/Qualicum School District
    • Tahsis/Gold River School District
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