David Harper

Project Manager
BCIT Rivers Institute
British Columbia Institute of Technology
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC
Canada V5G 3H2

Phone: 604-432-8228

Email: dharper@bcit.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Dave is a graduate of the Fish, Wildlife and Recreation advanced diploma program and the Environmental Engineering degree program, both at BCIT.  In the consulting industry, he gained a variety of experience including environmental monitoring, park management, waterfowl capture, tagging and foraging research, and wildlife trapping and sampling.  Dave spent more than 8 years working for the BC Conservation Foundation on the Greater Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Program and later on the multi-species Fisheries Recovery Program.  Main focuses included project management, stock assessment, stream nutrient enrichment and monitoring, and habitat restoration.  He led the first in-stream application using a fertilizer recovered from wastewater to increase the productivity of a Fraser Valley stream, later expanding the program to 5 other local streams.  Throughout streams in the Lower Mainland, he has been involved in more than 60 enhancement projects including a 44-log engineered log jam.  Dave returns to BCIT as an Assistant Instructor in the Ecological Restoration program and looks forward to mentoring and working alongside students as they become the next generation of environmental stewards responsible for providing valuable contributions to the restoration, enhancement and conservation of aquatic and terrestrial species and their habitat.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Harper, David W, Mr.; Doyle, Bridget; Hollingsworth, Shaun;“Introducing Hakai Institute’s northern Strait of Georgia and Discovery Islands Ocean Monitoring Program” (2016). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 53. https://cedar.wwu.edu/ssec/2016ssec/protection_remediation_restoration/53/

Harper, D.W.  2012.  Reversing Cultural Oligotrophication: Lower Mainland Stream Nutrient Enrichment, 2011-12 Report.  Prepared for the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, 32 p.

Harper, D.W., C. Hryhorczuk, K. Miyazaki and G. Wilson.  2012.  Lower Cheakamus River Habitat Compensation: Large Woody Debris Streambank Protection and Habitat Development 2010 – Final Report.  Prepared for Canadian National Railway Company, 31p.

Harper, D.W.  2013.  Ladner Creek (Coquihalla River) Side Channel Performance Improvements, 2012-13 Final Report.  Prepared for Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, 16p.

Harper, D.W.  2013.  Lynn Creek Fish Habitat Restoration, 2012-13 Final Report.  Prepared for Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, 17p.

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