David Patterson

Research Biologist
Freshwater Ecosystems Section
Cultus Lake Lab
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
4222 Columbia Valley Highway
Cultus Lake, BC
Canada V2R 5B6

Phone: 604-666-5671

Fax: 604-666-1995

Email: David.Patterson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

David Patterson is a research biologist and head of the Environmental Watch program. The program evaluates the impact of different environmental factors on migration success of Pacific salmon in fresh water. A specific example is the evaluation of adverse main stem Fraser River water temperatures and flow on adult sockeye migration success. David provides pre-season and in-season scientific advice to fisheries managers to assist in the prediction of en route loss and pre-spawning mortalities associated with adverse river conditions. The advice is based on a combination of environmental forecasts, ecological modeling and salmon migration research. The biological research seeks to better understand the relationships between freshwater migration conditions and salmon reproductive development, stress response, disease, energy utilization, and homeostasis.

Research projects and interests include:

  • salmon carcass behaviour
  • reproductive physiology of adult migrators
  • thermal tolerance and disease progression
  • interannual variation in energy status of returning sockeye
  • causes of pre-spawning mortality
  • post-release stress from fishing
  • sockeye thermal ecology
  • climate impacts on migration conditions
  • smolt condition during freshwater migration
  • fry out-migration behaviour
  • the intergenerational consequences of harsh migration conditions on egg-fry survival and offspring fitness

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Bass, Arthur & G. Hinch, Scott & K. Teffer, Amy & Patterson, David & Miller, Kristi. (2019). Fisheries capture and infectious agents are associated with travel rate and survival of Chinook salmon during spawning migration. Fisheries Research. 209. 156-166. 10.1016/j.fishres.2018.09.009.

Houde, Aimee Lee & Akbarzadeh, Arash & Li, Shaorong & Gunther, Oliver & Miller, Kristi & Patterson, David. (2018). Salmonid gene expression biomarkers indicative of physiological responses to changes in salinity, temperature, but not dissolved oxygen. 10.1101/491001.

Houde, Aimee Lee & Gunther, Oliver & Strohm, Jeffrey & Ming, Tobi & Li, Shaorong & Patterson, David & P Farrell, Anthony & G Hinch, Scott & Miller, Kristi. (2018). Discovery and validation of candidate smoltification gene expression biomarkers across multiple species and ecotypes of Pacific salmonids. 10.1101/474692.

Houde, Aimee Lee & Schulze, Angela & Kaukinen, Karia & Strohm, Jeffrey & Patterson, David & Beacham, Terry & P. Farrell, Anthony & G. Hinch, Scott & Miller, Kristi. (2018). Transcriptional shifts during juvenile Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) life stage changes in freshwater and early marine environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 29. 10.1016/j.cbd.2018.10.002.

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