Erica Blake

Community Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
4706 Tebo Avenue
Port Alberni, BC
Canada V9Y 8B1

Phone: 250-714-3074


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans CanadaCommunity Advisors work alongside the stewardship community, building partnerships within the community. From assisting with mini hatchery programs and policy implementation to taking an active role in watershed planning, these staff members are the key liaisons between DFO and community-based projects.

Erica has been employed with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Salmon Enhancement Program for over 30 years. She is the Community Advisor for the Central West Coast of Vancouver Island, east to Nanaimo, south to Chemainus.

Previous roles within the Department embrace a strong fish culture background – Operations Manager, Nitinat River Hatchery, Community Advisor for Southern Vancouver Island, Enhancement Technician at Major Facilities (Nitinat and Robertson Creek Hatcheries), and Selective Fishing Program Coordinator.

Erica supports the aspirations of SEP community partners to engage in watershed scale local planning and governance processes with a fish and fish habitat focus and freshwater and marine stewardship initiatives that are linked to overall aquatic ecosystem health and/or the salmonid resource – many of which are enhancement related.

Some of the groups she works with include:

  • Main enhancement facilities:
    • Nitinat River Hatchery
    • Robertson Creek Hatchery
  • Community involvement groups:
    • Alberni Salmon Enhancement Society
    • Central Island Salmon Society
    • Halalt First Nation
    • Lantzville/Nanoose Streamkeepers
    • Tofino Salmon Enhancement Society
  • Education activity:
    • Alberni Valley School District
    • Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Chemainus School District
    • Tofino and Ucluelet School District
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