Jackie King

Program Head
Basin and Coastal-scale Interactions
Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7

Phone: 250-756-7176

Fax: 250-756-7053

Email: Jackie.King@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Dr. King is the Program Head of Basin and Coastal-scale Interactions program with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Her research investigates linkages between basin-scale drivers and coastal-scale ecosystems including climate forcing, large-scale oceanographic processes, connectivity in large marine ecosystems and the exchange of energy. She collaborates in integrative pelagic field studies along the continental shelf, with her primary focus on understanding the factors controlling the abundance, distribution, and production of salmon and associated species in marine ecosystems. She is also the lead for the Canadian Pacific Shark Research Program; responsible for all Canadian Pacific elasmobranch research and conservation. Dr. King’s research in the Strait of Georgia has included diet and competition of juvenile Pacific salmon, lingcod polyandry and nest site fidelity, lingcod stock assessment, and sixgill shark tagging studies. In March 2012, Dr. King conducted a pilot synoptic bottom trawl survey in the Strait of Georgia which is planned to be conducted every 3-5 years.

Some of her research and/or projects include:

  • Investigate the natural regulation of marine species off the west coast of Canada, with particular reference to climate-ocean dynamics;
  • Stock assessment of lingcod in Canadian waters;
  • Development of new and innovative approaches to incorporating climate-ocean dynamics into stock assessments and management processes;
  • Elasmobranch research and stock assessment, including dogfish.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Brodeur, Richard & Perry, Ian & Boldt, Jennifer & Flostrand, Linnea & Galbraith, Moira & King, Jacquelynne & Murphy, James & Sakuma, Keith & Thompson, Andrew. (2018). An unusual gelatinous plankton event in the NE Pacific: The Great Pyrosome Bloom of 2017.

King, Jacquelynne & M. Surry, A. (2017). Seasonal and daily movements of the bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus) in the strait of Georgia from satellite tag data. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 10.1007/s10641-017-0664-4.

King, Jacquelynne & McFarlane, Gordon & Gertseva, Vladlena & Gasper, Jason & Matson, Sean & A. Tribuzio, Cindy. (2017). Shark Interactions With Directed and Incidental Fisheries in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Historic and Current Encounters, and Challenges for Shark Conservation. 10.1016/bs.amb.2017.09.003.

King, Jacquelynne & Helser, Thomas & Gburski, Christopher & Ebert, David & Cailliet, Gregor & Kastelle, C.R.. (2017). Bomb radiocarbon analyses validate and inform age determination of longnose skate (Raja rhina) and big skate (Beringraja binoculata) in the north Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research. 193. 10.1016/j.fishres.2017.04.004.

Barange, Manuel & King, Jacquelynne & Valdés, Luis & Turra, Alexander. (2016). The evolving and increasing need for climate change research on the oceans. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. 73. fsw052. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw052.

King, Jacquelynne & Mcphie, Romney. (2015). Preliminary age, growth and maturity estimates of spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in British Columbia. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 115. 55-63. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.11.002.

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