Jonathan Moore

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Phone: 778-782-9246



Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Dr. Jonathan Moore is an Associate Professor and head of the Salmon Watersheds Lab at Simon Fraser University. Dr. Moore’s interests lie in the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems–how do systems function, and how human activities impact that function. He works primarily in stream and lake systems. Although his focus is generally on food webs, he draws from multiple perspectives, applying theories and approaches from evolutionary, ecosystem, food-web, and community ecology viewpoints. Active areas of research include:

  • Invasive species: Dr. Moore and his research group are interested in documenting invasive species and the impacts those invasive species have on native food webs and ecosystems. He has worked on New Zealand mudsnails, invasive crayfish, and snakehead.
  • Salmon population dynamics and resilience: Dr. Moore is interested in the stability and resilience of salmonids populations, asking questions such as: How does life-history diversity contribute to stability of salmonid populations? What are the interactions between resident and anadromous varieties of species that can both migrate or stay in fresh waters?
  • Biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems: Dr. Moore is interested in quantifying how freshwater biodiversity is altered by both invasion and extinction, and how these community changes alter ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. In addition to large data synthesis projects, Dr. Moore also has on-going projects examining patterns of freshwater fish communities in urban streams in the greater Vancouver, B.C. area.
  • Stable isotopes and mixing models: Stable isotopes are an increasingly important tool in scientists tool box. Dr. Moore and collaborators are actively working on quantitative tools for stable isotope analysis and their applications. For example, Dr. Moore and colleagues is using isotopes and mixing models to quantify cryptic migrations of coastal fish.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Warkentin, L., C. Favaro, D.C. Scott, R.E. Siefert, and J.W. Moore. 2018. Urban planning for fishes: untangling a new project’s effects from old infrastructure and regional patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.  (link), (PDF)

Seifert, Rebecca; Moore, Jonathan W;”Finding openings to balance flood protection and fish in the Lower Fraser” (2016). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 51.

Moore, J.W., J. Gordon, C. Carr-Harris, A.S. Gottesfeld, S.M. Wilson, and J. H. Russell. 2016. Assessing estuaries as stopover habitats for juvenile Pacific salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 559: 201-215.

Nesbitt, H.K., and J.W. Moore. 2016. Species- and population-diversity underpin aboriginal food security. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Moore, J.W., C. Carr-Harris, A.S. Gottesfeld, D. MacIntyre, D. Radies, M. Cleveland, C. Barnes, W. Joseph, G. Williams, J. Gordon, B. Shepert. 2015. Selling First Nations down the river. Science 349: 596

Moore, J.W. 2015. Bidirectional connectivity and implications for watershed stability and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 785-795.

Gordon, J., M. Arbeider, D. Scott, S.M. Wilson, and J.W. Moore. 2015. When the tides don’t turn: floodgates and hypoxic zones in the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-8.

Carr-Harris, C., A.S. Gottesfeld, and J.W. Moore. 2015. Juvenile Salmon Usage of the Skeena River Estuary. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118988.

Favaro, C.,  J.W. Moore, J.D. Reynolds, and M.P. Beakes. 2014. Potential loss and rehabilitation of stream longitudinal connectivity: fish populations in urban streams with culverts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 17: 1805-1816.

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