Laura Terry

Community Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
148 Port Augusta
Comox, BC
Canada V9M 3N6

Phone: 250-339-1201


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans CanadaCommunity Advisors work alongside the stewardship community, building partnerships within the community. From assisting with mini hatchery programs and policy implementation to taking an active role in watershed planning, these staff members are the key liaisons between DFO and community-based projects.

Laura Terry is the Community Advisor for Sunshine Coast and Howe Sound, Port Mellon to Desolation Sound

Some of the groups she works with include:

  • Community involvement groups:
    • Desolation Sound Salmonid Enhancement Society
    • Powell River Salmon Society (CEDP)
    • Sechelt Creek Contracting
    • Pender Harbour and District Wildlife Society
  • Education activity:
    • Powell River School District
    • Sunshine Coast School District
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