Mike Bradford

Research Scientist
Freshwater Ecosystems Section
Cultus Lake Lab
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
4222 Columbia Valley Highway
Cultus Lake, BC
Canada V2R 5B6

Phone: 604-666-7912

Email: Mike.Bradford@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Currently, Dr. Bradford is working on some statistical models for coho smolt production, and finishing up the analysis of juvenile chinook salmon ecology in the Fraser watershed. He is also conducting a small field project in the Yukon on the ecology and habitat use of small non-natal streams by juvenile chinook salmon. Dr. Bradford is a quantitative ecologist with a wide range of skills, experience, and research interests. From 1992 to 1996, he was the manager for a FRAP project on the freshwater ecology of chinook salmon of the upper Fraser River. He also conducted research on the effects of flow reductions on juvenile salmon, and consequently, he has been involved in Nechako River-related matters, as well as on a number of committees and groups working on B.C. Hydro-DFO issues.

Dr. Bradford participated in the 1994 Fraser sockeye review, and has worked on the evaluation of lake fertilization. More recently, he has been looking at quantitative links between fish production and habitat, particularly for coho salmon. He is a member of the core group in Science dealing with coho conservation, as well as an international group working on coho risk assessment. Dr. Bradford also sits on the PSARC Salmon Sub-committee. A common theme to his most recent projects is the explicit incorporation of risk and uncertainty in resource management decision making.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Randall, Robert & Bradford, Michael & Koops, Marten & van der Lee, Adam. (2017). Potential for measuring production forgone as a metric for assessing project impacts to habitat on fisheries productivity.

Bradford, Michael & Koops, Marten & Randall, Robert. (2015). Science advice on a decision framework for managing residual impacts to fish and fish habitat.

Mestral, Louise & Bradford, Michael. (2014). Evaluation of IUCN spatial distribution metrics for a migratory species, Fraser River Sockeye salmon. Biological Conservation. 173. 53–59. 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.03.009.

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