Rana El-Sabaawi

Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC
Canada V8W 2Y2

Phone: 250-721-6445

Fax: 250-721-7120

Email: rana@uvic.ca

Web: https://elsabaawilab.weebly.com

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Dr. Rana El-Sabaawi is an Assistant Professor and heads the El-Sabaawi Lab at the Univerity of Victoria. She studies the effects of nutrition on ecosystem processes, with a particular interest in how nutrition changes in the course of trait evolution. Applying biological stoichiometry to well-studied evolutionary models such as guppies and sticklebacks allows her to characterize nutritional constraints that might arise during evolutionary processes, and also how changes in phenotype distributions affect ecosystems. She is also interested in how nutrition affects the response of organisms to large-scale changes like urbanization, predator loss, or species invasion.

Dr. El-Sabaawi’s research group studies the interactions between animals and their environment, especially in the context of landuse change. They use a variety of approaches from ecology, evolution, nutritional physiology, and biogeochemistry.

Rana and her research team are also investigating the effects of urban development on salmon streams in the Greater Victoria area, conducting field surveys and experiments to try and repopulate some of the streams.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

El-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Trophic structure in a Rapidly Urbanizing Planet. Functional Ecology 32 (7): 1718-1728 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13114)

Kennedy K, E-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Decay patterns of invasive plants and plastic trash in urban streams. Urban Ecosystems (doi: 10.1007/s11252-018-0771-9)

Kennedy L, Juanes F, and El-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Eelgrass as valuable near-shore foraging habitat for juvenile Pacific salmon in the early marine period. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 10 (2): 190-203 (doi: doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10018)

El-Sabaawi RW, Warbanski M, Rudman S, Hovel R, Matthews B. Investment in boney defensive traits alters organismal stoichiometry and animal-mediated nutrient recycling in fish. Oecologia 181:1209 (doi: 10.1007/s00442-016-3599-0).

Mackas DL, Galbraith MD, Faust D, Masson D, Romaine S, Shaw W, Trudel M, Dower JF, Campbell RW, Sastri AR, and RW El-Sabaawi. 2013. Zooplankton time series from the Strait of Georgia: Results from year-round sampling at deep-water locations, 1990-2010. Progr. Oceangr. (115):129-159.

El-Sabaawi RW, Trudel M, and A Mazumder. 2013. Zooplankton stable isotopes as integrators of bottom-up variability in coastal margins: A case study from the Strait of Georgia and adjacent coastal regions. Progr. Oceangr (115): 76–89

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