Ryan Flagg

Observatory Support Engineer
Ocean Networks Canada
2474 Arbutus Rd
Victoria, BC
Canada, V8N 1V8

Phone: 250-721-8988

Email: rmflagg@uvic.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Ryan Flagg is an Observatory Support Engineer with Ocean Networks Canada (ONC). Ryan graduated from the Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Victoria in 2013 and from the Camosun College Mechanical Engineering Technology program in 2005. Before joining Ocean Networks Canada to complete the design and installation of the Brentwood College Community Observatory and the Cambridge Bay Community Observatory, he worked on several oceanographic cruises aboard Canadian Coast Guard Ships near Vancouver Island and in the Canadian Arctic.

With Ocean Networks Canada, Ryan was recently involved in the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project’s Citizen Science Program. This program involved the collection of oceanographic data throughout the Strait of Georgia over a 3-year period (205-2017) at a spatial and temporal degree that has not been realized or possible before.

For the Citizen Science Program, Ryan worked on the development of a tablet application to allow for the immediate download of CTD data to the ONC central database via WiFi. This allowed for data to be easily transmitted and stored in Oceans 2.0 data system at UVic and allow scientists from all over the world to be able to download the data easily and for free. Ryan was also involved in the Citizen Science instrument setup and data services support – including digital infrastructure support, user services support and ongoing management support.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Pearsall, Isobel A., Dr.; Curran, Terry; Flagg, Ryan, ” A Citizen Science Program for Oceanographic Sampling in the Strait of Georgia” (2016). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 56. https://cedar.wwu.edu/ssec/2016ssec/species_food_webs/56/

Esenkulova, Svetlana; Suchy, Karyn; Perry, Ian; Young, Kelly; Costa, Maycira; Flagg, Ryan; Galbraith, Moira; and Pearsall, Isobel,”Seasonal dynamics of oceanographic conditions, phytoplankton, and zooplankton in the Malaspina Strait, Strait of Georgia” (2018). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 376. https://cedar.wwu.edu/ssec/2018ssec/allsessions/376

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