Scott Akenhead

The Ladysmith Institue
11810 Fairtide Road
Ladysmith BC
Canada V9G 1K9

Phone: 250-210-4410


Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

Originally trained as a mathematical ecologist, Scott has 25 years of broad experience in analysis and decision support in ecology, business, and government, including sustainable urban planning and natural resource management. He has led many science projects watersheds, fisheries and GIS/RS, and many regional planning projects for land-use and infrastructure for cities and for utilities in water, wastewater, and energy. As a research biologist with DFO for 15 years, he gained extensive experience in ecological models, fisheries science and management, geomatics, statistics, and numerical analysis, and led the introduction of new technologies for natural resources management. He was scientist-in-charge for many high-seas research vessel cruises, and participated extensively in international fora.

As a professional consultant for 15 years, Scott designed and delivered Decision Support Systems for government and utility clients: interactive maps integrated with simulation models for sustainability planning by government and corporate clients, collaborative web portals and on-line planning tools. Scott is an experienced small-business executive, with experience in both established and start-ups companies – all related to sustainability. He has been VP, CEO, Director, or Advisor for a number of local high-technology companies. Scott led the development of analyses and databases for managing cities, counties, watersheds, fisheries, forests, and utilities. Typically, this involved working collaboratively with stakeholders to help them meet Triple Bottom Line objectives and make progress toward sustainability. He is an expert in data collection technology, data processing, analysis, and modeling for natural and built systems. He has published many peer-reviewed and technical papers on topics as diverse as building land-use consensus, GIS theory, remote sensing, oceanography, and fisheries.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Akenhead, Scott & Irvine, James & Hyatt, Kim & Johnson, Stewart & Michielsens, Catherine & Grant, Sue. (2016). Habitat Manipulations Confound the Interpretation of Sockeye Salmon Recruitment Patterns at Chilko Lake, British Columbia. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin. 6. 391-414. 10.23849/npafcb6/391.414.

Akenhead, Scott & Irvine, James & Hyatt, Kim & Johnson, Stewart & Grant, Sue. (2016). Stock-Recruit Analyses of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin. 6. 363-390. 10.23849/npafcb6/363.390.

Irvine, James & Akenhead, Scott. (2013). Understanding Smolt Survival Trends in SockeyeSalmon. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. 5. 303-328. 10.1080/19425120.2013.831002.

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