Terry Curran

Geospatial Consultant
Pacific Salmon Foundation

Email: terry.curran@shaw.ca

Research area(s):

Area of Expertise:

As a manager in the DFO Canadian Hydrographic Service at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Terry developed expertise in project management, ISO-9000, marketing and geospatial data management technology (ISO-191xx and OSGeo standards, GeoNetwork/GeoServer, postGIS, etc). He served as the Industrial Liaison Officer for the Institute of Ocean Sciences from 1980 to 2005. He has led projects such as installation of winches aboard ships, designed and implemented audiovisual systems at IOS, guided developments in acoustic sea floor classification and other ocean acoustics projects.

As a consultant to the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Terry works to create and populate a website for marine data for BC known as the Strait of Georgia Data Centre. The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a collaborative program between the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) and the Fisheries Centre, UBC, to build a secure data archive for marine ecosystem information on the Strait of Georgia. Since 2011, the SGDC has been collecting marine ecosystem data for the Strait of Georgia, and providing these data through this online portal. It is designed to serve as a central data repository, to protect and collate marine ecosystem information for the Strait, and to allow for data sharing and integration.

Select Presentation(s) / Publication(s):

Curran, Terry; Pearsall, Isobel; and Skinner, Benjamin, “Strait of Georgia Data Centre” (2018). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 595. https://cedar.wwu.edu/ssec/2018ssec/allsessions/595

Pearsall, Isobel A., Dr.; Curran, Terry; Flagg, Ryan, ” A Citizen Science Program for Oceanographic Sampling in the Strait of Georgia” (2016). Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. 56. https://cedar.wwu.edu/ssec/2016ssec/species_food_webs/56/

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